Saturday, February 1, 2014

Holiday wrap up and winter fun!

Well the holidays are over (which might be okay this year!) It was a difficult Christmas with the ice storm and all that came with it, however we made the best of it and the kids had a wonderful time which is what it is all about. We were disappointed to miss family gatherings due to the storm but hopefully the spring will bring more time together! Here are some photos from our Christmas:

December blessed us in many ways and we were so honoured to be chosen as winners of Brunswick Square's "Be an Elf" contest. They put out a request to find people giving back to others and "paying it forward" throughout the month of December. My mom approached us and encouraged us to enter the contest with our "good deed" calendar that we do each December. We were already several days into our calendar and agreed to send in a photo. I sent a photo of Kaiden donating his box of toys to Romaro House (this was the third year we have done this). The response was overwhelming! We were sent kind words and throughts from friends, family and complete strangers. We received requests for copies of our good deed list so that others could begin this tradition with their children. This was more than a good enough reason to enter the contest..the idea that it would encourage others to begin traditions like this. We were surprised and deeply honoured when we received a phone call from Brunswick Square letting us know that Kaiden's act of kindness was exactly what they were looking for. We were awarded with a large Brunswick Square gift card as well as a large donation to be given to our charity of choice. We asked Kaiden, who felt Romaro house should receive the money. We finished up 2013 by presenting Romaro House with the donation on New Years Eve. To say it was an incredible, humbling experience would be an understatement. Kaiden told us when we left that "that made my heart feel good". All was right in the world at that moment <3 So despite all of the difficulties the weather brought this December, it will sure be one we will never forget and we can't wait to continue our acts of kindness throughout the year as well as again next December. 

Currently we are very excited to leave January as it has been a sicky one in our house! We are looking forward to all that February has to bring with Valentine's Day and a wee little Princess turning 3! She is very excited that her Birthday is finally here! She has requested a Pink Bubble Guppies party so that is what she will have! The kids are doing well, both filling our lives with so much joy. School is going very well for Kaiden and we cannot get over the huge change in him since last year. We had a tough year with his transition to Kindergarten being a huge change that took some time to adjust to. He has come so far and we are so proud of him! He has also been skating like a champ and has really learned so much since last year! 
Hurricane Avarie keeps us laughing on a daily basis (as well as exhausts us haha!) She is excited about joining gymnastics again this spring and loved Dance, which finished in December. Right now they are both getting over the flu so hopefully it leaves our house for this year soon! I have to take a moment to gush about my husband who is such an amazing dad and thankfully takes such good care of all of us! It is times like the sickness that really make me see exactly why I love him so much. He is so kind and sweet and a comfort for the kids, willing to do anything to keep them comfortable and feeling safe. These are the real moments in marriage that test your patience and teamwork. He is amazing and I am so happy to share my life with him. Okay that's enough mushy stuff for now as Valentine's day is just around the corner..I will try to keep the gushing to a minimum but I can't promise anything as I have such a great hubby who never stops doing the little things that make me love him so. Stay tuned for Valentine photos and an Under the Sea bubble guppies celebration!  

Friday, November 22, 2013

Here comes Santa Claus..

Well, somehow the fall has come and gone and Christmas is just around the corner! We had a wonderful fall with the typical fall favourites such as:
 pumpkin carving:

And of course all things halloween:

We also had our family photos done by Bryn Robinson Photography and she did a fantastic job as usual! Here is a link to the pics :)
Our little family also enjoyed thanksgiving dinner with help from Uncle Puds who prepared the turkey and helped teach me how to make apple pie.

The kids have also been back into fall activities; Kaiden with skating and Avarie with music and movement:

We are quickly starting to prepare for the upcoming holiday season and getting very excited! Avarie really seems to be excited about Santa and lights and presents this year. Kaiden loves anything and everything holiday so I just love the excitement each tradition brings him. We have our plan in place for our trip to get our tree and have started bringing out decorations and putting up the lights :) Stay tuned for plenty of photos of our journey to Christmas! 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Fall Fever! that summer has officially come to an end; bring on all things fall! Kaiden and I have been ready to dig out the cider, pumpkin/apple everything, Halloween decorations etc. We compromised with Geoff by only digging out the "fall" decorations and fall scents (for now;) We are slightly excited about our upcoming apple picking, costume designing and all things Halloween! Stay tuned for some pictures involving decorations and costumes!

Lately we have been busy transition back into school and routines but are feeling very relieved that thus far things have gone pretty smoothly. Kaiden loves his new class and teacher and is impressing us everyday with all that he is learning. We met his teacher tonight and heard some wonderful complements about our boy (although we weren't surprised to hear about his kindness and sweet personality;) There of course was a great deal of pride in hearing those things! Outside of school he has been busy biking with his friends and making us laugh! He is working hard on reading and it is wonderful watching him take things in and his pride in himself when he reads a book to us. In our house a big "rule" is being honest with one another as well as feeling comfortable telling each other anything. We are very open with him about communication and talking to us about anything. Kaiden has taken this as far as he possibly can..meaning we opened up a can of truth serum! As wonderful as it is that he feels so comfortable in telling us anything; he immediately tells on himself the minute he sees us, if he has done anything (which often is something like "It was quiet time and I talked a little bit loud" or "When I was 4, I read my book after I was supposed to be sleeping") So needless to say, it has been a bit entertaining!

Miss A has grown so much over the summer, both in her physical appearance and her knowledge and vocabulary! She talks and talks and talks some more! She is hysterically funny and keeps all of us in stitches! She loves to say "guess what? and answer with "I love you!" She also LOVES to sing and dance and play. This morning while getting ready for work I heard her talking so peeked around the corner and she was eye level with Chloe (our dog), holding her face in her hands and saying gently but sternly "listen! Sit! and then when the dog complied she said "good girl!" and gave her a piece of her food! She is a character for sure! She has been practising her alphabet which is quite funny to hear! She says some, skips a lot and has the end song off by heart and she also does a mean "soft kitty" I love watching her little mind pick up things around her and interpret it in her own way.

Next on the agenda for us is enjoying all that beautiful fall has to offer including apple picking, pumpkin picking, decoration, costume design, cider, pie, thanksgiving, Halloween, and much more! Stay tuned for fall pics and activity ideas!

Belated Summer post!

Three months late but finally updating! We had an amazing summer full of joy and growth and many fun activities! We enjoyed all of the usual festivities as well as some new adventures. I have really been taking advantage of our new camera and took many shots throughout the summer. Here are some of my favourite captured moments: