Monday, October 29, 2012

It has been a busy but awesome month so far! We have been busy preparing for Halloween. We had a costume change but rose to the challenge and spent the past few weeks building. Kaiden loves the classic "Ghostbuster" movies (as do we) so decided he would like to go as one. Not one to ignore an excellent couples idea..I immediatly decided Av would be "Stay Puft" and of course Chloe is always included so "Slimer" it was! We used our imaginations as well as some help from family and collected items and spent many nights designing and putting everything together. Not going to lie, Geoff and I might have had more fun than the kids with costume building ha ha. Anyway long story short, they turned out awesome! The kids had their debut yesterday at a local Halloween party and were a huge hit!

So without further ado..introducing..the Ghostbuster, Staypuft and Slimer!

We also did our annual pumpkin carving evening on Friday night. The first night was a bit of a bust but we attempt again the following night with success! Here are our finished pumkins:

We are good and ready for Trick or Treating and we are hoping for safe weather and thinking of all those affected by Sandy. Stay safe and make good decisions!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Ode to Pollyanna

okay so as I have stated many times..I love fall. October is my favourite month for several reasons. This month includes, thanksgiving, my birthday, halloween and beautiful colours and crisp temps..what's not to love?? Anyway presumably for this reason, I adopted a "pollyanna" attitude as of late. I have been entertaining (or annoying ha ha) my co-workers with "glad games" and excerpts from "The book of awesome". On a serious note though; this time of year always makes me feel so thankful for my friends and loved ones and all of the things that bless us. I am fortunate to have a job but that also puts a great deal in perspective. I am often reminded of hardships and struggles that people around us go through and know how blessed we are. I hope that we all take time this weekend to reflect on the joys and blessing in our lives and appreciate all that we have. We are having two thanksgiving dinners this weekend and I am looking forward to some quality time with my niece and nephews and parents and siblings.
Kaiden and I have been busy decorating the house for Thanksgiving and Halloween, here are some of our projects: