We were very fortunate that as of late Geoff has finally been offered a full time position at his work. The past four years had been difficult for us financially and we leaned on many loved ones to pull us through. We were supported in so many amazing ways and appreciate each and every one of those people who helped us stay afloat! Having said that now that we find ourselves in a better position, we decided our first big purchase would be something for our kids that we have been wanting to get them for several summers. We chose a play set and after 16.5 hours of building it was finally complete!
Big shout out to my hubby who put each one of those 16.5 hours in and the majority of them on his own <3 The kids love it and so do we!
We have been having so much fun!
In two short weeks we will close another chapter in Kaiden's young life, the completion of Kindergarten. We have mixed feelings about it being over; part relief as it hasn't been the easiest year for our little man and part sadness that he is growing so fast! Kaiden struggled with such a big change and the tender-hearted sensitive boy that we love so much didn't always want to go out the door to school. We worked with him on standing up for himself and building his fragile confidence. We have noticed such a positive change in our boy and what was slumped shoulders leaving in the morning has been replaced with leaping out the door and excitedly describing his school day to us. We know that there will be other challenges ahead but we feel confident that he has grown and adjusted to such a momentous change in his life. He is very excited that he will get to go to grade 1 when he goes back..his words "You mean after summer I will be in Grade 1 that fast"?
Miss A continues to challenge us but amaze us with her enthusiasm and independence. She has developed into quite a chatterbox and has all of us laughing often when she parrots Kaiden or enters a room and says "hi guys". She has been fascinated with colours and walks around pointing out each colour and telling us which one is which. Her favourite is yellow followed by pink which she calls "punk". She also loves to read and be read to and asks for specific books each night.
We are looking forward to a break for the summer with camping, swimming, bonfires, trips and so much more fun. Kaiden would like to continue with swimming and has passed his first course so will advance to "Lieutenants" when we start up again. Okay that is all I am capable of tonight as my pillow is calling my name..
Until next time..Good night!